摩斯探长 第五季
Deputy Assistant Commissioner Charlie Hillian is killed on the night of his retirement party. Hillian was at one time a senior officer in Oxford and was in fact Morse's boss. He was also writing a book about his most memorable cases, including one about the unsolved death of an 8-year-old girl some 18 years ago. The suspect in that case, Frederick Redpath, was at Hillian's house the day he died and that chapter from the manuscript is missing. There are other suspects however, including Hillian's ghost writer who will now receive all of the book's royalties; a handyman who was working on the property; and Redpath's daughter, who knew the little girl who was killed all those years before. Morse comes into conflict with with a colleague DCI Dawson, who was one of Hillian's protégés, as they again look into the little girl's death.
摩斯探长 第五季
战地神探 第二季
Fifty Ships--Foyle's determined investigation of a body on a deserted beach puts at risk the donation of American Aid and the crucial start of Lend-Lease in the war. Among the Few--Pilots and their girlfriends live fast and die young in a story of greed and passion where Foyle finds appearances are deceptive. War Games--Divided loyalties lead to revenge and murder when a businessman puts profits before principles in a secret pact with the Nazis. The Funk Hole--Foyle finds himself accused of a serious offense, which complicates his hunt for a ruthless murderer at a sinister hotel.
战地神探 第二季
神探阿蒙 第四季
《末日校巴》集喜剧、勇气、冒险和神秘元素于一体。影片开头,学生们前往“精灵飞球”(一种用来清理环境的新型机器人)的发射现场。当科技业亿万富翁道尔顿·蒙克豪斯(罗伯特·席安饰)推出人工智能魔法球时,在场所有观众都消失不见了,而世界各地也发生了数千起相同的事件。学生们设法在大劫难中回到破旧的校车中,回家寻找答案,却进入了神秘荒芜的世界。 学生们意识到他们必须要进行反击,并开始了一场公路旅行,踏上了寻找道尔顿·蒙克豪斯的道路,并努力弄清楚家人发生了什么事情。一路上,他们面临着一系列日益严峻的挑战,从高耸的垃圾怪物到带有个人仇恨的受损球体。大家抛下个人差异和私人恩怨,组成了临时的大家庭。 该片由英国公司 Wildseed Studios 负责制作,保罗·尼夫希担任创剧人和编剧。
神探阿蒙 第八季
杀手之心 第三季
该剧为BBC在2001—2003年间播出的一套以谋杀案为主题的系列剧,由Anthony Horowitz担任创造者,共三季23集,每集一个主角,讲述的故事会涉及至少一起谋杀案,有的故事在一开始就告知观众凶手,重点在于刻画凶手由清白到产生杀机再到实行谋杀直至最后被捕或逃脱的内心世界变化(Teacher、Rage、Stalker),有的故事则暗藏玄机,重在最后出人意料的情节逆转,逆转点包括凶手身份(Victim、Flame、Swan Song)、手法(Mercy)、受害者(Sleeper)、作案动机(Motive)、尸体下落(Cornershop)等多个元素。
杀手之心 第三季
改编自Daphne du Maurier的小说Jamaica Inn Set in 1820 against the backdrop of the windswept Cornish moors, the story follows Mary’s journey when she is forced to live with an aunt at the eponymous inn after the death of her mother and discovers it to be the hub of a smuggling ring.
第三布局 尘沙惑
Netflix 限定纪录片剧集《黑夜跟踪狂:追捕连环杀手》讲述了美国历史上最臭名昭著的连环杀手之一如何被捕并绳之以法的真实故事,吸引了众多人的关注。在 1985 年的酷暑中,一场破纪录的热浪袭击了洛杉矶,随之而来的是一系列起初看起来毫无关联的谋杀和性侵案。受害者有男人、女人和儿童。他们的年龄从 6 岁到 82 岁不等。他们来自不同的社区、种族背景和社会经济水平。在犯罪史上,还从来没有一个杀手能犯下如此多令人发指的罪行。洛杉矶县治安官部门的年轻警探吉尔·卡里略和传奇凶杀案调查员弗兰克·萨勒诺争分夺秒地阻止这个夜行怪物。当他们不知疲倦地努力侦破此案时,媒体则紧随他们其后,恐慌笼罩着整个加州。 通过令人悲伤的第一人称采访、牵动人心的档案影像和惊人的原始摄影,这部四集剧集完整讲述了这一出名的洛杉矶真实恐怖故事,描绘出生活在恐惧中的感受,在那个时期,任何人都可能成为黑夜跟踪狂的下一个受害者。
摩斯探长 第四季
Morse finds himself the subject of a murder investigation when his friend, Beryl Newsome, is murdered at a rehearsal of the Magic Flute and he foolishly touches the murder weapon. Morse is suspended and DCI Bottomley, with DS Lewis assisting him, is put in charge of the case. Morse feels that he was set-up and looks to his past to see who, among the many criminals he arrested, might now be setting about seeking revenge. When someone scratches masonic symbols all over his car and he is reported for erratic driving, Morse wonders if Masons may somehow be involved. When a large number of his personal items are found in Beryl's apartment, Morse is placed under arrest.
摩斯探长 第四季
家庭的出身和经历决定了方自力(苗侨伟 饰)日后成为商界枭雄,他做事果敢、心狠手辣,常令同行不寒而栗。但多年的打拼累坏了身体,妻子唐善行(万绮雯 饰)对他悉心照料,无奈冠心病每况愈下。不巧此时他的主治医生猝逝,新接手的姚日山(黄宗泽 饰)面对方自力的不信任不仅没有怨言,反而以德报怨征服自力。日久见人心,正当自力对日山的人品与医术产生感激之时,一场意外夺去了日山的生命。死后的日山把心脏换给了自力,换心后的自力性情开始发生了变化。日山的女友小吉(周丽淇 饰)忍痛处理日山的后事,再处理一起案子期间,她与换心的自力有过几次接触,似乎在他身上发现了日山的影子......
摩斯探长 第一季
Inspector Morse is a British detective drama television series based on a series of novels by Colin Dexter. It starred John Thaw as Chief Inspector Morse and Kevin Whately as Sergeant Lewis. The series comprises 33 two-hour episodes (100 minutes excluding commercials) — 20 more episodes than there are novels — produced between 1987 and 2000. Dexter made uncredited cameo appearances in all but three of the episodes.
摩斯探长 第一季
James Purefoy stars as William Travers, a criminal barrister who is recovering from a traumatic series of events that have shaken his belief in the legal system. On the surface, Travers is a picture of success; an accomplished criminal barrister happily living with his wife (played by Dervla Kirwan) in rural Suffolk. However, Travers is still recovering from events in his past when he is drawn into a case that involves his old friend Martin Newall (Nathaniel Parker), who faces conspiracy and murder charges while at the same time being investigated by a vicious and vengeful detective DS Mark Wenborn (Creed Miles). The five-part series from acclaimed writer Anthony Horowitz (Collision, Foyle's War) is a story of friendship, conspiracy, betrayal and murder as well as a critical look at the way the legal system operates.
神探阿蒙 第一季
妻子的死让警探艾德里安(托尼·夏尔赫布 Tony Shalhoub 饰)的生活跌落到了谷底,不久之后,常常陷入悲痛之中的艾德里安患上了强迫症。强迫症令艾德里安在警局里无处容身,很快,他便丢掉了工作,成为了无业游民。 为了生存,艾德里安必须赚钱,就这样,一家私人侦探所成立了。艾德里安雇佣了护士莎罗纳(Bitty Schram 饰)为他打理日常生活,自己则靠着出色的逻辑推理能力和过目不忘的神奇本领解决了一件又一件离奇案件。之后,艾德里安结识了名为娜塔莉(特蕾勒·霍华德 Traylor Howard 饰)的单身母亲,两人之间十分投缘。随着时间的推移,丧妻之痛由浓转淡,但妻子被害一案的前因后果却依然深藏在迷雾之中,艾德里安能够依靠自己的力量破解此案揭开心结吗?
神探阿蒙 第一季
心理追凶 第四季
骇人命案事件簿 第十二季
Bullying snob Alistair Kingslake is killed with a golf iron at the Whiteacres golf club. After another member, Miles Tully, tells Barnaby about illegal gambling among players, another member, who has had an 'odd phone call' is also slain. A figure in a blue tracksuit is seen at both murders. In fact there have been unreported assaults on members over the months. Barnaby discovers that the gambling is rife and the social-climbing steward , Mrs. Fountain, and her two warring sons are lending money to the gamblers and assaulting them if they fail to pay. Indeed Mrs. Fountain's scheming has driven the killer to commit the Dogleg Murders.
骇人命案事件簿 第十二季
战地神探 第三季
THE FRENCH DROP—Investigating a suspicious death, Foyle gets caught up in the rivalry between the established spy agency MI5 and the newly created SOE. ENEMY FIRE—Sabotage, murder, and adultery at a pioneering RAF hospital brings Foyle face to face with the devastating physical and emotional consequences of war. THEY FOUGHT IN THE FIELDS—A murdered farmer and the crash landing of a German plane present a confusing case, especially as spring is in the air and even Foyle is not immune to a whiff of romance. A WAR OF NERVES—An unexploded bomb at a busy shipyard leads to a startling discovery in a complex story of greed and politics.
战地神探 第三季
骇人命案事件簿 第十五季
When Bentham DeQuetteville falls to his death from a roof after seeing a headless horseman, his aristocratic family seem more concerned about their forthcoming Civil War re-enactment than the incident. As Barnaby and Jones try to find out the truth behind the ghostly figure, their investigation uncovers shocking secrets about the DeQuettevilles.
骇人命案事件簿 第十五季
神探阿蒙 第六季
Marci Maven is accused of negligent homicide because her neighbor claims that her dog killed his wife. But she claims her dog died a few days ago. So she turns www.2kyb.com to Monk whom she's obsessed with for help. When he refuses to see her, she buys him at a bachelor auction. When Monk tells her what happened and when he looks a things he discovers a few anomalies.
神探阿蒙 第六季
“女为悦己者容” 在《美人危姬 》的世界里,来自全国各地的32位女性为了争夺最美女人的称号,夺得这顶无上的王冠,纷纷齐聚于深山里的这座庄园。而为了筹措学费的埃莱娜则通过应聘进入庄园,成为美人们的文化课老师。然不止于此,她将会在这里遭遇各种黑暗和阴谋,以及藏于这些女性身上所背负的秘密和荣辱。 一入姬圈深似海,在墨西哥剧《深爱》中搞姬的灰姑娘扮演者 芭芭拉·洛佩斯 Bárbara López 同样在《美人危姬 Señorita 89》再一次与一位年上共谱姬情戏码,本剧也是由比较出名的黄涩台 Starz出品,大chi度情景不少,更有三人一起p 这类场景
军情五处 第九季
Season nine of long-running British spy thriller "MI-5" opens with Ros' (Hermione Norris) funeral, where Harry (Peter Firth) learns of a shocking betrayal at the highest level. Also this season, the agents go after Somali terrorist Hussein Abib (Peter Bankole), a scandalous secret from Lucas' (Richard Armitage) past is unveiled, and a growing bond develops between Ruth and Harry. Sophia Myles and Max Brown join the cast as agents Beth Bailey and Dimitri Levendis.
军情五处 第九季
骇人命案事件簿 第六季
When two bodies are discovered by the side of a fishing stream, Barnaby and Troy have yet more murders to solve. Isobel Hewitt had a zest for life that some can only hope for. She loves to drive her red Jaguar at top speed and generally enjoyed the finer things in life. Although loved by many, there were those who weren't quite so charmed by her. Margaret Seagrove was convinced that she was the member of the local fishing club using weighted lures in the local stream. Her nephew and his wife, with whom she resided, saw her as a burden now that she had spent most of her accumulated capital. The second victim is the local doctor, Duncan Goff, a well-known philanderer who had affairs with many of the local ladies. The police must first determine if both were intended victims or if one was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
骇人命案事件簿 第六季
骇人命案事件簿 第四季
Garden of Death—One of the most beautiful spots in the county becomes a source of contention. Destroying Angel—When a hotel owner dies, the manager misses the reading of the will that names him part-owner. The Electric Vendetta—A mutilated body found in a crop circle leads some to suspect aliens have invaded. Who Killed Cock Robin?—A murder mars plans for the upcoming wedding of the village squire’s daughter. Dark Autumn—A postman is brutally murdered, and it turns out he was delivering more than the mail to village women. Tainted Fruit—A wealthy young landlady fears for her life after she callously ignores the plight of an elderly tenant.
骇人命案事件簿 第四季
战地神探 第八季
Episode 1: High Castle A university professor who had been working as a translator at the Nuremberg trials is stabbed to death. As Foyle investigates, he delves into the world of international oil politics and corrupt Nazi businessmen. Sam assists the murder inquiry by going undercover, despite her pregnancy. Episode 2: Trespass As Britain debates the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, the son of a wealthy Jewish businessman is assaulted. The flames of anti-Semitism have recently been fanned in London by Charles Lucas, a right-wing writer, and Foyle suspects the attack was racially motivated. Episode 3: Elise After an attempt on Hilda Pierce's life, Foyle scrutinizes her work for SOE during the war. Could this be related to the deaths of nine SOE agents in France and rumors of a traitor called Plato?
战地神探 第八季
心理追凶 第三季
军情五处 第八季
The eighth season of the British spy series "MI-5," which follows secret agents as they foil evil plots around the globe, begins with the fallout from Harry's kidnapping by the Russians. A mysterious organization known only as "Nightingale" is the ongoing focus of the eight episodes. And Lucas' relationship with CIA agent Sarah Caulfied (Genevieve O'Reilly), reignites concerns over his loyalty. This season also sees the exit of one of the few original cast members, Malcolm Wynn-Jones.
军情五处 第八季
探长薇拉 第一季
The central character is Detective Chief Inspector Vera Stanhope. Who is obsessive about her work and driven by her own demons. If she's lonely she doesn't show it and faces the world with caustic wit, guile and courage. Her trusted and long suffering colleague is Sergeant Joe Ashworth. Together they approach every new case with unparalleled gusto and professionalism.
探长薇拉 第一季