Cherie的老板让她见公司最重要的客户之一时,身为单亲妈妈的Cherie最初感到不安,当她遇到魅力四射的Ethan时,松了一口气并兴奋起来。这位有影响力的商人颠覆了Cherie的预期,让Cherie为之倾倒。 但在夜晚时分两人单独在一起时,Ethan暴露了真实暴力的本性。Cherie被他打得遍体鳞伤,惊恐万分。Cherie为了活命只能逃跑,开始了一场无情的猫鼠游戏。
An eclectic band of misfits becomes an unlikely family as they take a wild journey in the name of love while on the run from an overzealous FBI duo who want them dead or alive - preferably dead.
A lonely assistant finally finds love and must escape her monster of a boss before she and her new love become his next meal.
一灰一白一黄三只小兔在湖边捉蝴蝶时,一只木瓜掉进湖里,发出一声“咕咚”,三只小兔子吓了一跳,忙好奇地上前看个究竟,这时,又一声“咕咚”传来,它们立刻吓坏了,边跑边喊:“咕咚来了,快逃呀!” 一路上,它们遇上正在同小鸟跳舞的狐狸、睡觉的小熊和玩耍的猴子,大伙听到“咕咚来了”之后,都不问青红皂白跟着跑了起来,并逐渐把“咕咚”描述成为一种“三个脑袋、八个腿的怪物”,于是越来越多的动物加入到它们的逃跑队伍中来,直到遇上青蛙,大伙才明白“咕咚”为何物。
A woman tries to get home alive after her blind date turns violent.