政裴(李善均 饰)是一名专职漫画人,虽然在画技上有着不可比拟的天赋,但是在情节编排上的想象力匮乏让他的漫画屡屡遭到编辑的否定。一次偶然中,政裴得知了一个让他心动不已的消息——出版社以1亿3千万元的巨额奖金公开向社会征集优秀的成人漫画,看着对自己的编剧能力心知肚明的他知道,自己需要一个得力的合作人。 与此同时,成人杂志专栏作家多琳(崔江熙 饰)却刚刚因为自己过于丰富的想象力而惨遭解雇,急于寻找一份新的工作的她也被1亿3千万元的奖金吸引了。就这样,政裴和多琳两人一拍即合,开始了他们的合作历程。为了得到奖金,两人可谓不择手段,甚至不惜入住了同一屋檐下,在打打闹闹的生活中,两个年轻人之间也产生了奇妙的感情。
A glance leads to a smile, a smile to a rendezvous: every love story begins the same way. These narratives are stored in songs and poems and live on beyond their inevitable endings, as Shakespeare’s titular sonnet 18 also suggests. In Mohammad Shawky Hassan’s metafictional essay, a female narrator who wishes to tell the story of a love between two men encounters a polyamorous chorus of lovers, and this oft-told tale is multiplied. In Club Scheherazade, there is no protagonist, and every song has various versions. Heteronormative dramaturgy is challenged polyphonically and across a range of media: lovers ask each other about threesomes, Grindr contacts and past dates. Pop clichés are twisted, heartache permeates the men’s singing, and poems by Wadih Saadeh are read out while a lover’s dirty laundry is aired. The narrator mischievously tries for a happy ending as her characters exit the story. “If pain could be forgotten through words,” we hear at one point, “no lover would ever have to
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