
  • 第13话
    2017 音乐 日本

    LoveLive! Sunshine!! 第二季

    故事发生在静冈县沼津市海边的小镇、位於内浦的私立浦之星女子学院。在这间骏河湾一隅的小小高中里面,以2年级的高海千歌为中心的9名少女,怀抱著远大的梦想挺身而出。那就是,要成为闪闪发光的“学园偶像”!只要努力不懈梦想一定会实现──。现在只需要朝著那闪耀的目标,奋不顾身地勇往 直前就行了! 从此,少女们“ 大家一起实现的故事”(学园偶像计划)就此展开!

    LoveLive! Sunshine!! 第二季

  • 已完结

    河湾屠夫 第一季

    Traveling back in time to the early 2000s, this gripping narrative brings together the concurrent histories of two serial killers and the terror they inflicted upon Baton Rouge and much of its surrounding areas. Federal investigations into unsolved murder cases of women in Baton Rouge were going nowhere because the Baton Rouge area Multi-Agency Task Force simply had so many cases on their hands. From 1991 to 2001 there were 53 unsolved murders of women in Baton Rouge, many coming from different backgrounds and ethnicities and involving different causes of death. Any attempt to sift through potential suspects led them astray because not only were they focusing on a wrong profile, but they did not consider they were dealing with more than one serial killer at the time…

    河湾屠夫 第一季

  • 第26集


    故事发生在当代,下河湾村是苏北地区一个依山傍水风景秀丽农村。历史上又是大运河的漕运码头。   村里副主任杜宝根领人挖沙,挖塌了河边村办小学的操场。引起村民不满。以林满仓为首的村民把村支书兼村主任孙望田告到镇里和县里。   县委张书记这之前曾多次接到下河湾村民的上告信,反映村支书孙望田独断专行,干群关系紧张的问题,经和镇里郝书记研究,决定派县委组织部干事于东生到下河湾调查。   河湾镇党委郝书记坐船顺着水路送于东生去下河湾,轿车走到村头的码头,发现村办小学老师柳叶正在和村副主任杜宝根争吵,原来,塌方的沙坑,致使学生铁蛋掉进沙坑里。于东生目睹杜宝根的蛮横张狂便下车和杜宝根理论,孙望田赶到这里,把杜宝根狠狠地搂了一顿,听说于东生是县里干部,杜宝根立即换了一副笑脸。亲自开车把铁蛋送到镇里医院。   于东生来到村部,村支书孙望田很热情,


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