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    1995 动画 法国


    The story unfolds on post-apocalyptic Earth, after a meteorite collision nearly wipes out all human civilization after setting off nuclear weapons. Following this catastrophe, Connor MacLeod (the protagonist of the original film) and other Immortals swear to renounce the Game of fighting each other until only one Immortal remains to win the Prize. Instead, the Immortals swear to preserve human knowledge and help humanity. They cast away their swords and call themselves Jettators (from the French jette, "thrown away".)  But one Immortal, Kortan, refuses to swear the oath - he still seeks the Prize and now wishes to dominate the world. Connor challenges Kortan to a duel and is defeated and killed, as any Immortal who breaks the oath is destined to die. However, with Connor's death comes the prophecy of the rise of a new Immortal, unbound by the oath, who will defeat Kortan. Uncontested by the Jettators and nigh-unkillable by mortals, Kortan establishes an empire controlling most of the p


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    读心人 第五季

    第五季的故事继续围绕故事主角托比·罗根(Toby Logan)展开,在这一季中,托比洛根将继续作为特别行动小组的一员,用自己特殊的天赋读心能力,和搭档女警官麦克劳斯基一起破获一件件悬案背后的真相。在这一季,特别行动小组的上司将被调任,而都市警察局长贝克将接手特别行动小组,在第一季的故事中,都市女警察查理因为救托比中枪身亡,贝克一直归咎于托比,他们的合作也将面临考验。在这一季中,托比也将找到一直困扰自己的身世真相和亲人。同时,托比的好哥们兼前搭档奥斯曼买下了一间酒吧,和女友之间也出现了危机,他的事业和感情都将面临新的开始。by:m.yakubd.cc

    读心人 第五季

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