
  • HD
    2007 其他 日本


    宛如中国水墨画般的神秘山水景观,美丽的漓江缓缓流过,沿岸峰迭峦秀、奇峰异石,造就出令人屏息的惊鸿绝景。在古朴静谧的渔村与田园中,嘹亮的牧歌笛声阵阵传来,勾起儿时记忆中的点点滴滴。  桂林,位于中国华南地区,是少数有名的景胜地之一。效仿古人独驾轻舟,缓缓划进墨色渲染的画屏中,存在1300多年的古老渔村-「兴坪」、漓江支流-遇龙河岸旁「白沙村」的淳朴风光,每个画面的转折,都是笔锋细腻旋转的勾勒。  01.漓江(阳朔大桥)  02.矮山村  03.高田乡  04.阳硕西街  05.漓江夜明  06.兴坪镇老街  07.漓江I  08.漓江II  09.白沙镇金龙桥  10.白沙镇遇龙桥  11.白沙镇遇龙河  12.白沙镇富里桥  13.金龙桥夕暮


  • HD
    1999 动作 美国


    The tough and cold mercenary Warchild, is working for the man who took care of his war training and upbringing, the greedy General Ruechang. Ruechang is planning to take over the country by marrying Princess Halo. But Halo discovers that Ruechang killed her father to gain more power than he had working for the King, so she decides to run away. Warchild is the one who has to bring her back to Ruechang, but the one thing no one counted on happens... Warchild and Halo falls in love, and together they take on the forces of Ruechang...


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